The Tilted Table Podcast
The Tilted Table is a podcast featuring Sean Landon Clarke and Joe "thefrackymack," a fellow enthusiast of the world around us. Sean and Joe speak off-the-cuff and discuss thoughts on anything they can come up with. It's conversation with some character, insight, comic revelry and antagonism... and all completely uncensored.
The Tilted Table Podcast
The Tilted Table with Sean & Joe Ep. 5
Sean and Joe discuss the first cars they owned and being young and broke trying to keep these rust buckets on the road, along with the joys of being able to fix them up… if they could actually pull that off. They also discuss life without a car and being thankful when you get a nice car and the satisfaction of finally being able to buy something nice later on in life.
Attribution - The following music was used for this podcast
Funk Cool Groove by Anwar Amr
Saturday by Infraction – No Copyright Music
The Disc by Infraction – No Copyright Music
Stylish Funk by Infraction – No Copyright Music
Juicy Fruit by Infraction – No Copyright Music